The Forecasting Company

Datarion was found in 2015 when there had been a clear demand for customized data science solutions for the past few years - companies started to be data rich, but poor in information due to lack in customized statistical modeling. After several years of R&D conferences and expert panels we decided it was time to concentrate our efforts to model continuous processes - generally anything that changes over time and has a timestamp column in the data! Our customers have been from small companies to larger over 1B turnover enterprises.

Datarion uses fully renewable energy in its development work and SaaS services. Datarion has bought 200 square meters of old-growth forest from the Finnish Natural Heritage Foundation in order to compensate for the carbon emissions. The area is in Tomteskog in Porvoo, Finland.

Our Mission

Increasing your awareness of how well your company can forecast.

Our Plan

Staying always ahead of competition with research, technical talent, curious mindset and life-long learning.

Our Vision

Companies utilize modern forecasting methods to avoid risks and uncertainty in their daily operations.


Datarion combines state-of-the-art customized algorithmic solutions for different industry fields.

Scenario Simulation

Help the company strategy by simulating different possible future scenarios with the help of historical data.

Survey Analysis

Find latent variables and cluster the survey segments with structured equations.

GIS Analysis

Find the optimal locations and routes between locations and different layers of geographical data.

Impact and Risk Analysis

Estimate risks, predict maintenance needs and measure how much the phenomenom finally affected our business.

Teaching and Mentoring

Buy our 1 hour, 1 day or 1 week mentoring session for forecast-driven business, Forecasting for non-forecasters.

Real-time System

We provide event-driven and near-realtime solutions.

Foresight Tool

How well are we forecasting right now? Is there a competitive advantage available if we do it better?

Order 2 weeks free test account to our competition winning Foresight SaaS product.

Order free test account

Our Portfolio


Spatiotemporal exponential growth panels

Hybrid Learning

Statistics and Machine Learning

Greedy Optimization

Route Planning with complex constraints

Invited Talks

Voted as TOP10 presenter on modeling continuous processes

Professional Training

Mentoring and Teaching

Algorithmic Automation

Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Nanosatellite


Research and Networking

Integer Programming

Cost Optimization


Behavioral Analytics

Contact Us

Fresh bean coffee at our office?


Ranssunkaari 6, HYVINKÄÄ, FINLAND


support AT